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Affording Branson

photo of the commons in the fall surrounded by trees with red and orange leaves

We are committed to opening our doors to a socioeconomically diverse student body.

Backing that commitment is a financial aid budget of over $4 million each year, which allows us to welcome talented students from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds into our community. We currently support about 20% of the student body with tuition assistance. 在下面了解更多.

Financial Aid At Branson

We support students from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and offer a full range of aid to eligible families, from 12% to almost the full cost of tuition ($62,590). Financial aid extends to helping students with the costs of enrichment activities and school events (such as school-sponsored trips, 音乐会, 戏剧, 网赌app下载), as well as other expenses.

Financial aid is granted on the basis of annual need for students, which is determined by the Financial Aid Committee each year. The process begins with a comprehensive review of families’ eligibility collected by an online form through 清晰, which provides a financial aid app.

To learn more about applying for financial aid, register with 清晰 或者发邮件到 You can also reach their Quick Reference Guide | Guía de Referencia Rápida de 清晰 或者是 Family Application Guide Guía de  Aplicación de 清晰 Para Las Familias.

If the application fee presents a hardship, please email the 招生 Office ( for a fee waiver code.

Tuition and Payment Plans

Branson's 2024-2025 tuition is $62,590. A non-refundable deposit of 10% is due with your signed enrollment agreement, and credited toward your tuition. Deposits are due at the end of March for newly entering students.

We offer several tuition payment plans:

  • A one-time payment of full tuition (less deposit)
  • Two installments due in May and November
  • Four installments due in May, August, November, and February
  • Ten installments due in May through February
  • All payments are payable either by automatic deduction from your checking account, 储蓄账户, 或者信用卡.

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